There's nothing much to do in Narsinghpur. The hotel, however, turned out to be great. All the same we left early and were on the road by 7:00 am.

We were aware that this route did not have many places to eat. We had a few breakfast bars and kept driving. Roads were good in MP but they went bad as soon as we entered Maharashtra.
There was so much construction that we could hardly get on to 4th gear. By 10:30 am a good breakfast place in an industrial area beckoned. Stomach full we hit the bumpy roads.
Getting into Andhra/ Telangana meant lovely roads. But still no tea shops. Only when we got to 125 kms to hyderabad did we sight one....on the bright side meant we drove quick.
750 kms in 12 hours
Two stops for coffee and we hit Hyderabad traffic but all was well as we got into our current hotel stay by 7:00 pm. Marriot is in a great location with lovely lake views.
We stay here for 2 nights before we make our final descent to Chennai. We spend the day to see a bit of the city.